Why You Should Shop Handmade and Local


Over the years, I’ve heard one thing consistantly. “Handmade is just too expensive.” And sometimes, they are right. Handmade items are/can be more expensive than mass produced items. But that is exactly why!

They are HANDMADE! Someone actually MADE them!

They are not mass produced by the thousands. Many pieces are one of a kind! Many are limited batch pieces. You are getting something special! They stones I use are hand-picked, by me! I take the time to inspect them carefully design around them. They metals I use are quality.

It takes more time to create them!

You can’t compare handmade with mass produced. The pieces are made completely differently, packaged differently, etc.

Every handmade piece is a work of art!

I even think of local restaurants’ food as “temporary art”! And it is! You are buying ART! You help keep the arts alive when you support your local and handmade businesses! And you can feel good about yourself knowing that you helped support a small business!

I can say from experience, we really do do a happy dance when you order from us!

Caroline Fowler