The NEW DAY Collection

2020. What a year. Like many, it was a tough year for me. Although not a lot happened, it was a year of growth and hardship for me. I had to shutdown the studio for months and was unsure of it’s future. When I did finally reopen, I had to pivot my business more to focus selling online. (Which I’m still learning.) In my personal life, during the pandemic, I was stuck at home with my twins (under 1 at the time) and still learning how to be a mom ... and while, don’t get me wrong, it was great to be there for them, it was very lonely at the same time. I cried. A LOT. I felt like I had no identity anymore, except that I was a “Twin Mom.” I missed my friends. My family. I missed just being out. (As I’m sure you did, too!)

So when the studio reopened, it was like a breath of fresh air! It was a New Day! I was able to start making and selling again! I had a purpose again! (Besides being a mom.) I was able to get a *sliver* of my old life back.  

Quartz Point with Amethyst Phantoms & Inclusions

Quartz Point with Amethyst Phantoms & Inclusions

This new collection is all about renewal, rebirth, balance and growth.  I love the stones in this collection... Quartz, Amethyst, Amethyst Phantoms… Some pieces even have some other inclusions as well... smoky phantoms, lepidocrosite, hematite... I am not a very “wooey” person. Whenever I have a metaphysical question, I always go right to my friends Chris & Stacie ... they know it all. This is what Chris told me about these stones- 

“Phantoms represent a moment in time, like a tree ring.  They help people connect to the past, memories, past lives, focus on growth. Amethyst would add spiritual development, reflecting on our behavior and habits, and harnessing our noble qualities.”

And Stacie added that “trials in life are meant to propel us, not punish us. Challenge fuels growth. Every. Time.”

Man, they are so good with words! 

As we dive deeper into 2021, I hope we can all look ahead, focus on what’s to come, and enjoy every second of it! Because, after all, it’s a new dawn, it’s a NEW DAY, it’s a new life... and I’m feelin’ gooood! (You totally just sang that, didn’t you?!) 

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